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At InfiniteCraft, we have a total of 5 ranks that can be gained by you. The first two are [Respected] and [Respected+]. These two are given to people who genuinely deserve it, not people who ask! If you ask you wont get it. The next three are [DonatorI], [DonatorII] and [DonatorIII]. These can be obtained by donating $10, $20 or $30, respectively. Your support is greatly appreciated.

InfiniteCraft Ranks

/compass, /depth, /nick, /near, /realname, /me /time /ping /ignore /balance (others) /vote <day,night,rain,sun>, can have 4 /sethomes and 2 /plotme claims. Have your name forever in the Hall of Fame

/msg (in colour,magic) /nick (colour,magic), /suicide, /clearinventory, /chat (colour,magic) Create [Balance] signs. Create [Disposal] signs. Create [Kit] signs, Create [Mail] signs, Create [Trade] signs, /getpos, Has 6 /sethomes, and 4 /plotme claims

/disguise<creeper,zombie,skeleton,pigzombie,mooshroom,spider,cavespider>, /feed, Can use lightning, poison and explosive arrows from MoArrows, has 12 /sethomes and 6 /plotme claims.


/disguise <pig, cow, sheep, villager, chicken, squid>, /moarrows, Can use normal, razor, slow and net arrows has 9 /sethomes, and 5 /plotme claims.

[DonatorII]   $20
[DonatorI]   $10
[DonatorIII]   $30

/disguise<giant,blaze,enderdragon,witherskeleton,witherboss,slime>, can use teleport and piercing arrows from MoArrows, has access to a special Creative World, has 15 /sethomes and 7 /plotme claims.

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